Case Study:

Client: Kitowares - renowned streetwear and fashion brand

Influencer Campaign
Marketing Campaign
Paid Media
About case
Engagement Period

2021 - Present

Executive Summary

Merceflo joined forces with Kitowares in 2022 to strategize, develop, and implement a trailblazing marketing campaign for their new sneaker line, ‘Jag Foams’. Our expertise in creating engaging ads, pinpoint audience targeting, and strategic implementation propelled the 'Jag Foams' campaign to become a success across all performance metrics.

Metric 1
Instagram likes on campaign.
Metric 2
campaign impressions.
Metric 3
pairs of sneakers sold ‘Jaguar Foams’. ($98).
Our solutions

The objective was to design a marketing strategy that spotlights the unique appeal of Kitowares' "Jag Foams" sneakers, resonates with the brand’s followers, and ultimately maximizes sales potential.

Our Approach

Ad Creatives - our team generated a collection of adaptable creative assets that displayed the ‘Jag Foams’ in a variety of contexts, visually conveying our unique product vision. Our creative suite featured sharp 2D/3D graphics, engaging video content, innovative product showcases, and influencer photoshoots to enhance social proof. Each ad was intricately designed to align with the specific platform - Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, or News Media - with a blend of persuasive text, content, and compelling calls-to-action.

Audience Targeting - by harnessing powerful analytical tools and in-depth market research, we developed a precise audience targeting strategy, pinpointing key demographics and consumer behaviors that aligned with the "Jag Foams" customer profile.

Ad Testing and Optimization - we carried out extensive A/B testing for each ad set to determine the combinations that attracted the most engagement. Active monitoring and consistent adjustments ensured our campaigns were always fine-tuned for the highest effectiveness.

Budget Allocation - we used insights from ad testing to effectively distribute the ad budget. By focusing our resources on top-performing ad sets, we ensured a cost-effective and powerful expenditure of the ad budget.


Through the strategic development and execution of Kitowares' 'Jag Foams' campaign, we facilitated a significant boost in international recognition for the brand. Our approach resulted in a remarkable increase in engagement, heightened brand visibility, and a substantial 20,000 product sales. This success is a testament to our inventive strategies and implementation, reinforcing our standing as a key partner in Kitowares' ongoing success.

Leading Australian urban streetwear brand Mutimer is pushing boundaries with its contemporary designs and impeccable craftsmanship, setting a new paradigm for urban style.
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