Case Study:

Client: Runge Clothing, a fashion brand intertwining high-end fashion and streetwear.

Influencer Campaign
Marketing Campaign
Paid Media
About case
Engagement Period


Executive Summary

Runge partnered with Merceflo to enhance their social proof, heighten brand awareness, and boost revenue. We planned and executed a vibrant influencer marketing campaign complemented by optimized paid media advertisements, resulting in an impactful campaign featuring more than a dozen A-list influencers and a dramatic 480% surge in ad ROI across Instagram and Facebook.

Metric 1
A-list influencers and celebrities featured.
Metric 2
increase in ad ROI. (Meta)
Metric 3
website visits during campaign period.
Our solutions

The challenge was twofold: selecting influencers who resonated with the brand's avant-garde ethos and implementing ad campaigns to optimize returns.

Our Approach

Influencer Marketing - we initiated market research to identify influencers and celebrities best suited for the Runge campaign. Once identified, we designed a strategic action plan outlining the roles and responsibilities of each influencer, laying the groundwork for a seamless campaign rollout.

Communication & Outreach - we aimed to cultivate Runge's brand connections with a roster of A-list celebrities to promote the "Portrait Knit" clothing collection, managing all facets of communication - from the initial contact to finalizing contracts.

Ad Campaigns- we undertook a complete overhaul of Runge's marketing strategy and overall campaign. This involved extensive market research into Runge’s audience and potential markets, then refocusing campaign efforts in line with these findings. We also developed a fresh batch of ad content inspired by the influencer photoshoots. Our meticulous audience targeting and ad content optimization led to a substantial rise in Runge's ad ROI and product sales.


Our meticulous approach to influencer selection, strategic communication, and ad campaign revamp played a pivotal role in enhancing Runge's brand awareness and social proof. The notable increase in ad ROI and the successful influencer campaign effectively positioned Runge at the intersection of the high-end fashion and streetwear crossover, ultimately fueling a surge in revenue.

Leading Australian urban streetwear brand Mutimer is pushing boundaries with its contemporary designs and impeccable craftsmanship, setting a new paradigm for urban style.
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